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Computer Lab

Computer Lab

The computer lab at Educ@tional Dynamics is a place for our students to practise the language they are studying and develop skills that will benefit them in their future. In the lab, they are encouraged to use technology to apply and incorporate lessons that they learn in their classrooms with creativity, individuality, and imagination.

Our computer lab is equipped with a computer for every child in class and Internet access. The interactive software programmes we use engage our learners with vivid images, video, and audio. They improve their keyboarding skills and learn the Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, & Publisher) when working on projects. In doing so, they enrich their learning experiences, cultivate their creative skills and they are acquainted, early on, with the tools they will need to succeed.


The capacity of our computer lab is 12 PCs. Internet access 24/7.


The frequency of computer lab sessions varies according to:

  • Classes timetable
  • Teachers’ plans
  • Computer based learning
  • Group Projects
  • Flipped classroom activities
  • Individual students’ learning objectives

Benefits of Computer Based Learning

  • Available 24/7 and when it is needed. Enables learners to find and use the information needed exactly when they need it.
  • Learner controlled. Learners know when they need additional information and for what purposes.
  • Self-paced and user friendly. Students process the material at their own pace.
  • Hands-on interactivity. Hands-on, direct, and immediate interaction with the learning units.
  • Adjustment to individual learning styles. It addresses all learning styles.
  • Activation of past knowledge. Learners who decide after years to continue studying a foreign language need to activate the knowledge they had acquired in the past before attending a class. CBL facilitates this activation.
  • Accelerated learning. Hands-on activities combined with hand-eye coordination, sound, and motion facilitate learning at a fast pace.
  • Safety. Students simulate the actual work situations in a safe environment regarding software and hardware.
  • Flexibility. Students can repeat content as many times as needed.
  • Ability to bookmark progress. Students can return and resume the exact practice they left off.
  • Environmentally friendly. CBL reduces the use of paper and facilitates modern learning modes.

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Duration 1-2 hours/week for each class
Start June (intensive summer courses) September (winter courses)
Registrations This service is offered to our registered students.

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