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CS & DS courses

Intermediate courses CS & DS

Our courses C Senior and D Senior, which lead a student from A2 to B1 level, are run throughout the year either as winter courses or as intensive summer courses.

Opportunities for skipping a level

Our policy is to offer learning and progress opportunities to our students all the way. In this respect, there are some opportunities for high achievers if they want to reach their goals sooner based on their progress and exceptional performance.

Conditions to be met

The C Senior students whose average annual marks are high and fetch high marks in their final summative examinations can skip D Senior class and be promoted to B1 level in the next school period.

Likewise, the D Senior students whose average annual marks are high and fetch high marks in their final summative examinations can skip B1 class and be promoted to B2 level in the next school period.

Details of this policy are stated in the SCHOOL RULES & REGULATIONS document, which is provided on registration.

Benefits for high achievers:

  • They use their study time effectively
  • Their efforts are awarded
  • They become progress influencers
  • They gain self-esteem
  • They reach their goals sooner
  • They gain time for other extra-curricular activities

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Duration Summer: June-September Winter: September-May
Start 20/06 (intensive summer courses) 20/09 (winter courses)
Registrations 1-15 June (intensive summer courses) 1-30 June (winter courses)

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