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Megalakakis Michael & Megalakakis Vaggelis | medical students | UoC | October 2017

Megalakakis Michael & Megalakakis Vaggelis | medical students | UoC | October 2017

We attended English courses at Educ@tional Dynamics from the age of 8. The conditions were better than we expected. The teachers were excellent and the educational environment very friendly and progressive. The basic reason is that the school is monolingual, using only the language one studies. As a result, we took the decision to learn a second language there, German. The teaching methodology combines classic learning methods with technology and the result is more than perfect.

The knowledge we acquired proved to be really helpful now, as we are both medical students at the University of Crete and we are already familiar with foreign bibliography. This is very important because the great mass of information is not in Greek.

Finally, we must say that we will never forget this school because of the great time we had apart from the learning parameter and we like to thank Educ@tional Dynamics for that!

ECPE, PTE-C2, B2 Goethe Institut